P.O. BOX 58337
Renton, Washington 98058
Phone 206.622.9157 / FAX 425.255.1634E-mail: Web Page: http://www.kcdems.orgApplication for Acting* and Appointed Precinct Committee Officer
I am willing to serve as a Democratic Precinct Committee Officer (PCO) until the next general election. I recognize that it is my responsibility to know the boundaries of my precinct and be familiar with its residents and registered voters. I understand that my duties also include:
- Conducting a precinct caucus in the spring of an even-numbered year
- Making recommendations for the appointment of poll workers for the precinct
- Doorbelling with campaign material for endorsed candidates prior to each primary and general election
- Get-out-the-vote activities
- Voter registration
In order to keep informed of Party projects and issues, I agree to regularly attend meetings of my Democratic Legislative District organization. In order to fulfill my responsibilities to elect Democratic Party officers and to help form Democratic Party platforms and policy positions, I also agree to participate in precinct, Legislative District and King County caucuses and conventions, as well as meetings of the King County Democratic Central Committee.
Printed Name_______________________________________________________Phone___________
Zip____________ E-mail_____________________
Leg. Dist.______ Resident Precinct __________Service Precinct__________
There is not, at present, an elected Democratic PCO for the service precinct listed above. In order for Democrats residing in the precinct to be fully represented in the formation of Party Policy and in the selection of candidates and party officials, it is essential that a PCO be appointed.
The Legislative District Organization of District _____ in the State of Washington has voted to support the appointment of ____________________________as a Democratic Precinct Committee Officer.
Approved by District
Chair______________________________________________Date______________Appointed by County
Chair______________________________________________Date______________*An Acting PCO is a resident of the Legislative District but not of the service precinct. It is the primary task of the Acting PCO to find a willing Democratic resident of voting age to become the Appointed or Elected PCO.