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King County

District Democratic Organizations

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User Assistance

Please use the links below to find information on how you can most efficiently utilize the King County Democrats Website.  This page last updated 11/25/2005.

For all users

For PCO's

(Precinct Committee Officers)

For "Power Users"

(LD Chairs, KC Dems Committee Chairs)

For "Authors"

(Formerly KC Dems Bloggers)

Find LD Information
Find KC Dems Info
Volunteer Form
Edit Your Info
View Calendar
Add Calendar Event
PCO Application
Read News
Comment on News
Send a Letter to the Editor
Other Site Content
Report a Bug
Request Access
Please encourage Democratic activists in your precinct to complete the Volunteer Form

More coming based on increased demand

Edit Org Info
Edit Calendar Events
View Activists
Search Activists
Edit Activists
Send Mail
Submit News / Blog

For all users

Find LD (Legislative District) Information

  • Click the "District Democratic Organizations" link near the top of the navbar. 
  • If you do not know your LD, click "Find your LD" located on the navbar under Get Involved

Find KC Dems Info

  • This entire website is filled with information abut the King County Democrats, but you can find specific information like officers, by-laws, and a PCO list on the navbar under About.

Volunteer Form

  • Click "Volunteer" on the navbar under Get Involved

Edit Your Info

  • Click "Edit My Info" on the navbar under Misc.

View Calendar

  • Click "View" on the navbar under Calendar.

Add Calendar Event

  • Click "Add Event" on the navbar under Calendar.

PCO (Precinct Committee Officer) Application

  • Click "Become a PCO" on the navbar under Get Involved


  • If you have already created a login:
    1. Enter your e-mail and password in the login boxes (top right)
    2. Click the "Login" button
  • If you have not already created a login:
    1. Enter your e-mail in the "E-mail" box (top right)
    2. Enter a desired "Password" in the box
    3. Click the "New User" button
  • If you forgot your password:
    1. Enter your e-mail in the "E-mail" box (top right)
    2. Click the "Forgot Password" link

Read News

  • Click "Latest" on the navbar under News to read the latest news.
  • Click "Archive" on the navbar under News to read archives news.

Comment on News

Send a Letter to the Editor

  1. Click "Media Links" on the navbar under Links
  2. Select your desired recipient in the "Media Outlet" drop-down list
  3. Enter your information in the "From" area
  4. Enter your subject and message (consider the tips on the right)
  5. Click the "Send preview to self" button
  6. Check your e-mail to see the preview
  7. If your message is ready, click the "Send" button

Other Site Content

  • This site is rich with content including: PCO Training, a Jobs listserv (linked), a mentor program (linked), and a directory or acronyms.  Explore the site and enjoy. 

Report a Bug

  • Send a mail to  Include the web address of the page you saw the error on, a detailed description of the error, and what you expected instead of the error

Request Access

  • If you think you should have a higher level of user access:
    1. Create a Login (username and password)
    2. Send a mail to explaining who you are and why you should have a higher level of access

For PCOs

Please encourage Democratic activists in your precinct to complete the Volunteer Form

For "Power Users"

Edit Org Info

  1. Login
  2. Click "Org Info" on the navbar under Manage.
  3. Click the "Edit" link by your organization.
  4. Change information as necessary in the text boxes.
  5. Click the "Update" link

Edit Calendar Events

  1. Login
  2. Click "Edit" on the navbar under Calendar.
  3. Click the "Edit" link by the event you want to edit.
  4. Change information as necessary in the text boxes.
  5. Click the "Update" link

View Activists
This enables a power user to view all activists in the database within their organization

  1. Login
  2. Click "View Activists" on the navbar under Manage
  • If you want to see activists interested in a specific activity:
    1. From View Activists
    2. Use the drop-down list labeled "Show activists"

Search Activists
This enables a power user to search for activists that meet a specific criteria

  1. Login
  2. Click "View Activists" on the navbar under Manage
  3. Next to the "Search:" label, use the drop-down to select your criteria
  4. Enter the text of your search
  5. Hit the "Tab" key

Edit Activists

  1. Login
  2. Click "View Activists" on the navbar under Manage
  3. Click the UserID on the left of the activists name
  4. (You will be taken to the volunteer form page with that activists information filled-in)
  5. Enter your information changes
  6. Click the "Submit" button

Send Mail

  1. Login
  2. Click "Send Mail" on the navbar under Manage
  3. Click the checkboxes under Select Recipients for the people you want to send your message to
  4. Enter your message text and settings
  5. Click the "Preview" button
  6. Make any changes as necessary
  7. Click the "Test:..." button
  8. Check your inbox for the message and make sure its ready to be sent
  9. Click the "Send" button


  1. Login
  2. Click "Dashboard" on the navbar under Manager
  3. Notice the total number of activists for each LD

For "Authors"

Submit News / Blog

  1. Login
  2. Click "Submit" on the navbar under News.
  3. Enter a headline, summary, full story, and URL for more info into the texboxes.
  4. Click the "Submit News" button

Note: Since Nov. 19. 2005, the content section of news entries now supports whitespace.

(c) 2004-2005 King County Democrats
Page views since January 2, 2005: 35693

King County Democrats
Seattle, WA