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Just how tangled up in Tom DeLay's House of Scandal is Dave Reichert?
Dave Reichert has taken $10,000 from Tom DeLay's ARMPAC. No surprise that Reichert voted with Tom DeLay 97[%] of the time between Jan. 3 2005 and March 31 2005.
Dave Reichert voted to weaken the ethics rules in a move that many say served only to protect Tom DeLay.
Does the integrity of the House mean so little that Dave Reichert would sacrifice it to defend Tom DeLay?
When Democrats offered a solution to clean up the House by strengthening ethics rules, Dave Reichert voted to make sure it never even came to an up or down vote.
So instead of a bipartisan effort to get government working for Americans, Dave Reichert stood for cronyism and partisan politics.
1. Contributions from ARMPAC: $10,000 2. Voting percentage with DeLay: calculated through: 97[%] 3. Vote to weaken ethics rules: H Res. 5, Roll Call #6, 1/4/05 YES 4. Vote to table Democratic solution: H. Res. 153, Roll Call #70,
3/15/05 YES
Posted on: 4/17/2005 7:49:34 AM
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