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Sponsored by Mayor Greg Nickels and KCDCC
KCDCC will host an election night party on Tuesday September 20, 2005, 8:30 pm - 11:30 pm. The event is sponsored by the Neighbors for Nickels campaign and will have television and internet hookup as well as great hor d'oeuvres, no host bar, and many Democratic candidates. Place is the Ocean City Restaurant and Night Club, Ltd., 609 South Weller in Seattle. Come early, stay late and have good time with the Democrats!! Suggested donation of $20/person.
Posted on: 9/7/2005 8:24:03 PM
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Washington D.C. Sept. 24th March for Peace
No John Roberts, No Iraq mess anymore
Come to Washington D.C. for the anti war peace march and Congress workships the following Monday. Sunday will be classes in talking to your Congressional representatives. If we can reproduce the civil rights forum at the White House, in this march for better government and peace across the world, removal of 'Occupation' troops from Iraq, we will really be accomplishing something. Can you car pool or train trip?
Posted on: 9/16/2005 7:44:12 AM
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News leading-up to the 2004 Elections can be found in our old Blog